US Mint and Royal Mint Join For New Coin Design

By: Mobin

The United States Mint and The Royal Mint announce collaborative Liberty & Britannia coin design created jointly by both mints' Chief Engravers for 2024.


The US and UK have long shared close ties and now their historic mints join creative talents for unique new coin design.


The design features Liberty and Britannia in profile with complementary elements identifying each figure. Inscriptions fit both nations.

Design Details

US Mint Chief Engraver Joseph Menna and Royal Mint Chief Engraver Gordon Summers crafted the stunning shared design.

Engravers United

The collaborative coin celebrates the harmony between Liberty and Britannia while giving each equal visual prominence.

Celebrating Harmony

Products featuring the special Liberty & Britannia design will launch at both mints in 2024.

Available 2024

The new coin aims to expand the reach and collector base for both mints through this collaborative effort highlighting their talents.

Expanding Reach

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