Top 7 Facts about Gulls

By: Anushka Jha

Gulls are remarkably adaptable birds, thriving in diverse environments such as coastal shores, inland lakes, urban areas, and even garbage dumps.


 These birds have a varied diet, ranging from fish, crustaceans, and insects to scavenging on human food waste, showcasing their opportunistic feeding habits.


 Gulls have sleek bodies, long wings, and webbed feet, ideal for gliding effortlessly over water and diving to catch prey with precision.


 Gulls are highly social birds, often seen in large flocks roosting, foraging, and engaging in complex social interactions such as courtship displays and territorial disputes.


During breeding season, gulls build nests in colonies on coastal cliffs, rocky outcrops, or sandy beaches, using materials like grass, seaweed, and debris.


 Contempt facing threats from habitat destruction, pollution, and human disturbance, many gull species have shown resilience and adaptability to changing environments.

Adaptable Survivors

Gulls play a vital role in marine ecosystems, scavenging on dead animals, controlling pest populations, and redistributing nutrients through their droppings.

Ecosystem Players

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